The moment you read the word ‘somebody’ you were cogitated in a fathomless feeling of a person who is either the reason of your joviality or your despondency. Is this somebody a person you’re in love with, or I should say somebody you’re in one sided love with? Thinking about somebody your taken to, too is valid.

The hotshot you’re been driven crazy by is somebody, a personality with whom you have great adoration, adulation and benevolence with. Maybe this ‘somebody’ is a person who you may hate, maybe he’s the one with whom you’ve the most antipathy and abhorrence with, but ‘somebody’ great said the first cause of HATE is LOVE.
When we think of somebody, somebody like anybody or nobody, we fantasise so many things and desires the same endearment and humanity from them. Maybe this ‘somebody’ is the reason for your wet pillows or maybe the reason behind the locks of stitches and torns in the temples you’d tied, it can be anything, anybody but only somebody. This human being is someone who is either the most needed person in your life or who isn’t needed in your life!

This person has given you either the reasons to not sleep at night or the reason you waking up with the thirst of viewing them and and falling in love again. This person is maybe like the page to your printer or like the curtain to the heat! Xd! We say we don’t need anybody, somebody, nobody, we ourselves are capable to conquer the world but at a point somewhere deep down inside we feel the need of an angel or a devil of our soul, our own self. There in life comes a stage where holding somebody’s hand and climbing the stairs is something that gives us a lot of delirium and exuberance then being standing still in an elevator does! A juncture where gobbling the whole chocolate bar doesn’t brighten up anymore but munching it and skipping it piece by piece sharing with somebody takes us to seventh heaven.
Do we really need somebody? Forever not, but somebody who’ll never promise forever but somebody who’ll actually means it. Just somebody to be the reason behind our endless laughs ending up with tears and just somebody who’ll strike off them every time. Somebody who’ll never leave and if does we’ve alluring of millennials and jillions of memories with them that they’re enough to complete to blossom in our barren land.

To somebody entering, leaving or left-

When tears fell from my eyes, you were there to brush them away. When I was lost in confusion, you were there to say that everything would be okay. When I stood before you falling apart, you were there to lend your heart. When I felt like no one could understand, you were there to take my hand. When no one else was left to care, YOU WERE THERE. -somebody.

It’s not always that we’ll wait to have somebody, instead try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud, try to be a ‘somebody’ in someone’s life and maybe they’ll be your somebody, somebody worth needed. It’s not necessary to have or to find your ‘somebody’ in an unknown personality or a new friend, it can be there in your parents, siblings, friends, best friend, pen friend, mates or girlfriend or boyfriend, or your grandparents or your neighbor maybe perhaps your pet or maybe the rose plant you’d planted needs your guidance, your love to learn to cope up with the thorns and beautify itself into a flower no other can ever be. God, maybe(always).

God help this soul, the reader to exhale the bad and inhale the good and let him/her, find their gem.


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